Welcome to gslides’s documentation!¶
gslides: Creating charts in Google slides¶
is a Python package that helps analysts turn pandas
dataframes into Google slides & sheets charts by configuring and executing Google API calls.
The package provides a set of classes that enable the user full control over the creation of new visualizations through configurable parameters while eliminating the complexity of working directly with the Google API.
Quick Installation¶
pip install gslides
Below is an example that only showcases a simple workflow. Full discussion around features can be found in the docs.
1. Initialize package and connection
import gslides
from gslides import (
Series, Chart
from sklearn import datasets
gslides.initialize_credentials(creds) #BringYourOwnCredentials
2. Create a presentation
prs = Presentation.create(name = 'demo pres')
3. Create a spreadsheet
spr = Spreadsheet.create(
title = 'demo spreadsheet',
sheet_names = ['demo sheet']
4. Load the data to the spreadsheet
plt_df = #Iris data
frame = Frame.create(df = plt_df,
spreadsheet_id = spr.spreadsheet_id,
sheet_id = spr.sheet_names['demo sheet'],
sheet_name = 'demo sheet',
overwrite_data = True
5. Create a scatterplot
sc = Series.scatter(series_columns = target_names)
ch = Chart(
data = frame.data,
x_axis_column = 'sepal length (cm)',
series = [sc],
title = f'Demo Chart',
x_axis_label = 'Sepal Length',
y_axis_label = 'Petal Width',
legend_position = 'RIGHT_LEGEND',
6. Create a table
tbl = Table(
data = plt_df.head()
7. Create a slide with the scatterplot
objects = [ch, tbl],
layout = (1,2),
title = "Investigation into Fischer's Iris dataset",
notes = "Data from 1936"
8. Preview the slide you have just created in your notebook
also supports basic templating functionality. See this notebook for an example.
Advanced Usage¶
Find this Jupyter notebook detailing advanced usage of gslides
Developer Instructions¶
To install the package with development dependencies run the command
pip install -e .[dev]
This will enable the following
Unit testing using pytest - Run
in root package directorySphinx documentation - To create sphinx run
make html
in package docs folder - To view locally runpython -m http.server