Source code for gslides.chart

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Charts & series class

import logging
import pprint
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, cast

from . import creds, package_font, package_palette
from .colors import Palette, translate_color
from .frame import Frame
from .utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TSeries = TypeVar("TSeries", bound="Series")

[docs]class Series: r"""Parent class for all series configurations. :param type: Type of series :type type: str :param \*\*kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments :type \*\*kwargs: dict """ def __init__(self, type: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Constructor method""" self.type = type self._check_point_args(kwargs) self._check_data_label_args(kwargs) validate_params_list(kwargs) validate_params_int(kwargs) validate_params_float(kwargs) validate_series_columns(kwargs) self.params_dict = kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def line( cls: Type[TSeries], series_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, line_style: Optional[str] = None, line_width: Optional[int] = None, point_enabled: bool = False, point_shape: Optional[str] = None, point_size: Optional[int] = None, data_label_enabled: bool = False, data_label_placement: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TSeries: """A line plot :param series_columns: The columns to plot. None or an empty list will plot all columns :type series_columns: list, optional :param line_style: The style of line to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['line_style'] for accepted parameters :type line_style: str, optional :param line_width: The width of line to plot :type line_width: int, optional :param point_enabled: Boolean for whether the plot should include points :type point_enabled: bool, optional :param point_shape: The shape of point to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['point_shape'] for accepted parameters :type point_shape: str, optional :param point_size: The size of point to plot :type point_size: int, optional :param data_label_enabled: Boolean for whether the plot should include data labels :type data_label_enabled: bool, optional :param data_label_placement: The placement of the data label to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['data_label_placement'] for accepted parameters :type data_label_placement: str, optional :param color: A color to override the existing palette. Parameters can either be a hex-code or a named colored. see gslides.config.color_mapping.keys() for accepted named colors :type color: str, optional :return: A :class:`Series` object :rtype: :class:`Series` """ kwargs = locals().copy() del kwargs["cls"] return cls("Line", **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def area( cls: Type[TSeries], series_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, line_style: Optional[str] = None, line_width: Optional[int] = None, point_enabled: bool = False, point_shape: Optional[str] = None, point_size: Optional[int] = None, data_label_enabled: bool = False, data_label_placement: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TSeries: """A area plot :param series_columns: The columns to plot. None or an empty list will plot all columns :type series_columns: list, optional :param line_style: The style of line to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['line_style'] for accepted parameters :type line_style: str, optional :param line_width: The width of line to plot :type line_width: int, optional :param point_enabled: Boolean for whether the plot should include points :type point_enabled: bool, optional :param point_shape: The shape of point to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['point_shape'] for accepted parameters :type point_shape: str, optional :param point_size: The size of point to plot :type point_size: int, optional :param data_label_enabled: Boolean for whether the plot should include data labels :type data_label_enabled: bool, optional :param data_label_placement: The placement of the data label to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['data_label_placement'] for accepted parameters :type data_label_placement: str, optional :param color: A color to override the existing palette. Parameters can either be a hex-code or a named colored. see gslides.config.color_mapping.keys() for accepted named colors :type color: str, optional :return: A :class:`Series` object :rtype: :class:`Series` """ kwargs = locals().copy() del kwargs["cls"] return cls("Area", **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def scatter( cls: Type[TSeries], series_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, point_shape: Optional[str] = None, point_size: Optional[int] = None, data_label_enabled: bool = False, data_label_placement: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TSeries: """A scatter plot :param series_columns: The columns to plot. None or an empty list will plot all columns :type series_columns: list, optional :param point_shape: The shape of point to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['point_shape'] for accepted parameters :type point_shape: str, optional :param point_size: The size of point to plot :type point_size: int, optional :param data_label_enabled: Boolean for whether the plot should include data labels :type data_label_enabled: bool, optional :param data_label_placement: The placement of the data label to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['data_label_placement'] for accepted parameters :type data_label_placement: str, optional :param color: A color to override the existing palette. Parameters can either be a hex-code or a named colored. see gslides.config.color_mapping.keys() for accepted named colors :type color: str, optional :return: A :class:`Series` object :rtype: :class:`Series` """ kwargs = locals().copy() del kwargs["cls"] return cls("Scatter", **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def column( cls: Type[TSeries], series_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, data_label_enabled: bool = False, data_label_placement: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TSeries: """A column plot :param series_columns: The columns to plot. None or an empty list will plot all columns :type series_columns: list, optional :param data_label_enabled: Boolean for whether the plot should include data labels :type data_label_enabled: bool, optional :param data_label_placement: The placement of the data label to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['data_label_placement'] for accepted parameters :type data_label_placement: str, optional :param color: A color to override the existing palette. Parameters can either be a hex-code or a named colored. see gslides.config.color_mapping.keys() for accepted named colors :type color: str, optional :return: A :class:`Series` object :rtype: :class:`Series` """ kwargs = locals().copy() del kwargs["cls"] return cls("Column", **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def histogram( cls: Type[TSeries], series_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, bucket_size: Optional[int] = None, outlier_percentage: Optional[float] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TSeries: """A histogram plot :param series_columns: The columns to plot. None or an empty list will plot all columns :type series_columns: list, optional :param bucket_size: The size of the bucket :type bucket_size: int, optional :param outlier_percentage: The percentile at which oberservations should be excluded :type outlier_percentage: float, optional :param color: A color to override the existing palette. Parameters can either be a hex-code or a named colored. see gslides.config.color_mapping.keys() for accepted named colors :type color: str, optional :return: A :class:`Series` object :rtype: :class:`Series` """ kwargs = locals().copy() del kwargs["cls"] return cls("Histogram", **kwargs)
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Prints class information. :return: String with helpful class infromation :rtype: str """ output = f"Series Type: {self.type}" for key, val in self.params_dict.items(): if val is None or val is False: pass else: output += f"\n - {key}: {val}" return output def _check_point_args(self, kwargs: dict) -> None: """Checks the args `point_shape`, `point_enabled` and `point_size` to ensure that `point_enabled` is set to `True` when utilizing the `point_size` and `point_shape` parameter. :param kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments :type kwargs: dict :raises ValueError: """ if "point_enabled" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["point_shape"] and kwargs["point_enabled"] is False: raise ValueError( "point_enabled must be True if point_shape is specified" ) elif kwargs["point_size"] and kwargs["point_enabled"] is False: raise ValueError( "point_enabled must be True if point_size is specified" ) else: return else: return def _check_data_label_args(self, kwargs: dict) -> None: """Checks the args `data_label_placement`, `data_label_enabled` to ensure that `point_enabled` is set to `True` when utilizing the `data_label_placement` parameter. :param kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments :type kwargs: dict :raises ValueError: """ if "data_label_enabled" in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs["data_label_placement"] and kwargs["data_label_enabled"] is False: raise ValueError( "data_label_enabled must be True if point_shape is specified" ) else: return else: return
[docs] def render_basic_chart_json( self, palette: Optional[Palette], sheet_id: str, start_row_index: int, end_row_index: int, start_column_index: int, end_column_index: int, type: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """Renders the json for the creation of a basic chart. See here for information about basic charts. :param palette: :class:`Palette` object to control colors :type palette: :class:`Palette` :param sheet_id: ID for the Google sheet. :type sheet_id: str :param start_row_index: The starting index of the row :type start_row_index: int :param end_row_index: The ending index of the row :type end_row_index: int :param start_column_index: The starting index of the column :type start_column_index: int :param end_column_index: The ending index of the column :type end_column_index: int :param type: Type of series :type type: str, optional :return: json for the API call :rtype: dict """ json = { "target_axis": "LEFT_AXIS", "series": { "sourceRange": { "sources": [ { "sheetId": sheet_id, "startRowIndex": start_row_index, "endRowIndex": end_row_index, "startColumnIndex": start_column_index, "endColumnIndex": end_column_index, } ] } }, } if "line_width" in self.params_dict.keys(): json["lineStyle"] = { "type": self.params_dict["line_style"], "width": self.params_dict["line_width"], } if ( "point_enabled" in self.params_dict.keys() and self.params_dict["point_enabled"] ): json["pointStyle"] = { "shape": self.params_dict["point_shape"], "size": self.params_dict["point_size"] or 5, } if "data_label_enabled" in self.params_dict.keys(): if self.params_dict["data_label_enabled"]: json["dataLabel"] = { "placement": self.params_dict["data_label_placement"], "type": "DATA", "textFormat": { "fontFamily": package_font.font, "fontSize": 12, }, } if type: json["type"] = type if self.params_dict["color"]: col = cast(str, self.params_dict["color"]) r, g, b = hex_to_rgb(translate_color(col)) json["color"] = {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b} json["colorStyle"] = {"rgbColor": {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b}} elif palette: r, g, b = next(palette) json["color"] = {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b} json["colorStyle"] = {"rgbColor": {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b}} return json
[docs] def render_histogram_chart_json( self, palette: Optional[Palette], sheet_id: str, start_row_index: int, end_row_index: int, start_column_index: int, end_column_index: int, ) -> dict: """Renders the json for the creation of a basic chart. See here for information about basic charts. :param palette: :class:`Palette` object to control colors :type palette: :class:`Palette` :param sheet_id: ID for the Google sheet. :type sheet_id: str :param start_row_index: The starting index of the row :type start_row_index: int :param end_row_index: The ending index of the row :type end_row_index: int :param start_column_index: The starting index of the column :type start_column_index: int :param end_column_index: The ending index of the column :type end_column_index: int :return: json for the API call :rtype: dict """ json: Dict[str, Any] = { "data": { "sourceRange": { "sources": [ { "sheetId": sheet_id, "startRowIndex": start_row_index, "endRowIndex": end_row_index, "startColumnIndex": start_column_index, "endColumnIndex": end_column_index, } ] } } } if self.params_dict["color"]: col = cast(str, self.params_dict["color"]) r, g, b = hex_to_rgb(translate_color(col)) json["barColor"] = {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b} json["barColorStyle"] = {"rgbColor": {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b}} elif palette: r, g, b = next(palette) json["barColor"] = {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b} json["barColorStyle"] = {"rgbColor": {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b}} return json
[docs]class Chart: """An object that configures the creation of a chart in Google sheets. :param data: The data in Google sheets that will be plotted, a frame object :type data: :class:`gslides.Frame` :param x_axis_column: The name column that corresponds to the x-values. No parameter needed for a histogram. :type x_axis_column: str :param series: The :class:`gslides.addchart.series` objects to plot :type series: list[:class:`gslides.addchart.series`] :param stacking: The type of stacking to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['stacking'] for accepted parameters :type stacking: str, optional :param title: The title for the plot :type title: str, optional :param x_axis_label: The x_axis_label for the plot :type x_axis_label: str, optional :param y_axis_label: The y_axis_label for the plot :type y_axis_label: str, optional :param x_min: The minimum value for the x axis :type x_min: float, optional :param x_max: The maximum value for the x axis :type x_max: float, optional :param y_min: The minimum value for the y axis :type y_min: float, optional :param y_max: The maximum value for the y axis :type y_max: float, optional :param x_axis_format: The format of the x axis labels. Either the values or patterns here are accepted :type x_axis_format: str, optional :param y_axis_format: The format of the y axis labels. Either the values or patterns here are accepted :type y_axis_format: str, optional :param palette: The palette to use to plot, see gslides.colors.base_palettes for accepted parameters :type palette: str, optional :param legend_position: The position of the legend to plot, see gslides.config.CHART_PARAMS['stacking'] for accepted parameters :type legend_position: str, optional :param size: A tuple for the width and length of the plot in pixels. The Google suggested size is 600 by 371 pixels. :type size: tuple, optional """ def __init__( self, data: Frame, x_axis_column: str, series: Sequence[Series], stacking: Optional[bool] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, x_axis_label: Optional[str] = None, y_axis_label: Optional[str] = None, x_min: Optional[float] = None, x_max: Optional[float] = None, y_min: Optional[float] = None, y_max: Optional[float] = None, x_axis_format: Optional[str] = None, y_axis_format: Optional[str] = None, palette: Optional[str] = None, legend_position: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Constructor method""" self.type = self._determine_chart_type(series) self._check_stacking(series, stacking) = data self.series = series self.stacking = stacking self.x_axis_column = x_axis_column self.title = title self.x_axis_label = x_axis_label self.y_axis_label = y_axis_label self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.y_min = y_min self.y_max = y_max self.x_axis_format = x_axis_format self.y_axis_format = y_axis_format self.palette = palette self.legend_position = legend_position self.header_count = 1 self.executed = False self.ch_id: Optional[str] = None self.bucket_size: Optional[int] = None self.outlier_percentage: Optional[float] = None validate_params_list(self.__dict__) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Prints class information. :return: String with helpful class infromation :rtype: str """ output = f"Chart\n" f" - title = {self.title}" return output def _determine_chart_type(self, series: Sequence[Series]) -> str: """Determines the type of chart based on the class of series passed :param series: The :class:`gslides.addchart.series` objects to plot :type series: list[:class:`gslides.addchart.series`] :raises ValueError: Only Line, Area and Column series can be used in combination :return: The type of plot to create :rtype: str """ chart_types = set([serie.type for serie in series]) if len(chart_types) == 1: return chart_types.pop().upper() else: allowable_types = {"Line", "Area", "Column"} if len(chart_types.intersection(allowable_types)) == len(chart_types): return "COMBO" else: raise ValueError( "Only Line, Area and Column series can be used in combination" ) def _check_stacking( self, series: Sequence[Series], stacking: Optional[bool] ) -> None: """Checks the `stacking` argument to ensure that a stackable series is included. Stackable series include `Area` and `Column`. :param series: The :class:`gslides.addchart.series` objects to plot :type series: list[:class:`gslides.addchart.series`] :param series: The series objects to plot :type series: Sequence[Series] :raises ValueError: Stacking can only be enabled for Area and Column charts """ chart_types = set([serie.type for serie in series]) stacking_types = {"Area", "Column"} if stacking: if chart_types.intersection(stacking_types): return else: raise ValueError( "Stacking can only be enabled for Area and Column charts" ) else: return def _resolve_series(self) -> dict: """Resolves the series to determine which column get which configuration. Order in the list of series matters where if a column is set by 2 series classes the last series class will determine the configuration for the column :return: The column to plot and their corresponding configuration :rtype: dict """ series_mapping = dict() for serie in self.series: if not serie.params_dict["series_columns"]: for column in if column != self.x_axis_column: series_mapping[column] = serie else: for column in serie.params_dict["series_columns"]: if column in series_mapping[column] = serie if ( "outlier_percentage" in serie.params_dict.keys() and serie.params_dict["outlier_percentage"] ): self.outlier_percentage = cast( Optional[float], serie.params_dict["outlier_percentage"] ) if ( "bucket_size" in serie.params_dict.keys() and serie.params_dict["bucket_size"] ): self.bucket_size = cast(Optional[int], serie.params_dict["bucket_size"]) return series_mapping
[docs] def render_basic_chart_json(self, size: Tuple[int, int]) -> dict: """Renders the json for the creation of a basic chart. See here for information about basic charts. :param size: Tuple of width and height in PX :type size: tuple :return: json for the API call :rtype: dict """ json: Dict[str, Any] = { "chart": { "spec": { "title": self.title, "titleTextPosition": {"horizontalAlignment": "CENTER"}, "titleTextFormat": { "fontFamily": package_font.font, "fontSize": 16, "bold": True, "foregroundColor": {"red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0}, "foregroundColorStyle": { "rgbColor": {"red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0} }, }, "basicChart": { "chartType": self.type, "axis": [ { "position": "BOTTOM_AXIS", "title": self.x_axis_label, "format": { "fontFamily": package_font.font, "fontSize": 14, "bold": True, "foregroundColor": { "red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0, }, "foregroundColorStyle": { "rgbColor": {"red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0} }, }, "viewWindowOptions": {}, }, { "position": "LEFT_AXIS", "title": self.y_axis_label, "format": { "fontFamily": package_font.font, "fontSize": 14, "bold": True, "foregroundColor": { "red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0, }, "foregroundColorStyle": { "rgbColor": {"red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0} }, }, "viewWindowOptions": {}, }, ], "domains": [{"domain": {"sourceRange": {"sources": []}}}], "series": [], "legendPosition": self.legend_position, "headerCount": self.header_count, }, "hiddenDimensionStrategy": "SKIP_HIDDEN_ROWS_AND_COLUMNS", "fontName": package_font.font, }, "position": { "overlayPosition": { "anchorCell": { "sheetId":, "rowIndex":, "columnIndex":, }, "offsetXPixels": 0, "offsetYPixels": 0, "widthPixels": size[0], "heightPixels": size[1], } }, } } domain_col_num = ( + ) domain_json = { "sheetId":, "startRowIndex": - 1, "endRowIndex":, "startColumnIndex": domain_col_num - 1, "endColumnIndex": domain_col_num, } json["chart"]["spec"]["basicChart"]["domains"][0]["domain"]["sourceRange"][ "sources" ].append(domain_json) series_mapping = self._resolve_series() if self.palette: p: Optional[Palette] = Palette(self.palette) elif package_palette.palette: p = Palette(package_palette.palette) else: p = None for key, val in series_mapping.items(): serie_col_num = ( + ) if self.type == "COMBO": series_json = val.render_basic_chart_json( p,, - 1,, serie_col_num - 1, serie_col_num, type=val.type.upper(), ) else: series_json = val.render_basic_chart_json( p,, - 1,, serie_col_num - 1, serie_col_num, ) json["chart"]["spec"]["basicChart"]["series"].append(series_json) if self.stacking: json["chart"]["spec"]["basicChart"]["stackedType"] = self.stacking if self.x_min is not None: json["chart"]["spec"]["basicChart"]["axis"][0]["viewWindowOptions"][ "viewWindowMin" ] = self.x_min if self.x_max is not None: json["chart"]["spec"]["basicChart"]["axis"][0]["viewWindowOptions"][ "viewWindowMax" ] = self.x_max if self.y_min is not None: json["chart"]["spec"]["basicChart"]["axis"][1]["viewWindowOptions"][ "viewWindowMin" ] = self.y_min if self.y_max is not None: json["chart"]["spec"]["basicChart"]["axis"][1]["viewWindowOptions"][ "viewWindowMax" ] = self.y_max return json
[docs] def render_histogram_chart_json(self, size: Tuple[int, int]) -> dict: """Renders the json for the creation of a basic chart. See here for information about basic charts. :param size: Tuple of width and height in PX :type size: tuple :return: json for the API call :rtype: dict """ series_mapping = self._resolve_series() json: Dict[str, Any] = { "chart": { "spec": { "title": self.title, "titleTextPosition": {"horizontalAlignment": "CENTER"}, "titleTextFormat": { "fontFamily": package_font.font, "fontSize": 16, "bold": True, "foregroundColor": {"red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0}, "foregroundColorStyle": { "rgbColor": {"red": 0, "green": 0, "blue": 0} }, }, "histogramChart": { "series": [], "legendPosition": self.legend_position, "bucketSize": self.bucket_size, "outlierPercentile": self.outlier_percentage, }, "hiddenDimensionStrategy": "SKIP_HIDDEN_ROWS_AND_COLUMNS", "fontName": package_font.font, }, "position": { "overlayPosition": { "anchorCell": { "sheetId":, "rowIndex": - 1, "columnIndex": - 1, }, "offsetXPixels": 0, "offsetYPixels": 0, "widthPixels": size[0], "heightPixels": size[1], } }, } } if self.palette: p: Optional[Palette] = Palette(self.palette) else: p = None for key, val in series_mapping.items(): serie_col_num = ( + ) series_json = val.render_histogram_chart_json( p,, - 1,, serie_col_num - 1, serie_col_num, ) json["chart"]["spec"]["histogramChart"]["series"].append(series_json) return json
[docs] def create(self, size: Tuple[int, int] = (600, 371)) -> dict: """Creates the chart in Googe sheets :param size: Tuple of width and height in PX :type size: tuple :return: The json returned by the call :rtype: dict """ size = (int(size[0]), int(size[1])) format_columns = {} if self.x_axis_format: format_columns[self.x_axis_column] = self.x_axis_format if self.y_axis_format: series_mapping = self._resolve_series() for key in series_mapping.keys(): format_columns[key] = self.y_axis_format if format_columns: service: Any = creds.sheet_service if self.type == "HISTOGRAM": json = self.render_histogram_chart_json(size) else: json = self.render_basic_chart_json(size) body = {"requests": [{"addChart": json}]}"Executing chart creation")"Request: {pprint.pformat(body)}") output: dict = ( service.spreadsheets() .batchUpdate(, body=body, ) .execute() )"Chart created successfully") self.ch_id = json_val_extract(output, "chartId")[0] self.executed = True return output
@property def chart_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the chart_id of the created chart. :raises RuntimeError: Must run the execute method before passing the chart id :return: The chart_id of the created chart. :rtype: str """ if self.executed: return self.ch_id else: raise RuntimeError( "Must run the execute method before passing the chart id" )