Source code for gslides.frame

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Frame class

import logging
import pprint
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, cast

import pandas as pd

from . import creds
from .utils import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TFrame = TypeVar("TFrame", bound="Frame")

[docs]def format_type(number_type: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Takes a specified number type and outputs the necessary json, controlling for the custom types. See the documentation here for more information the formatting available. Either a type or pattern can be passed. :param number_type: A string specifying the format of the cell :type number_type: str :return: A dictionary providing the configuration :rtype: dict """ number_types = [ "TEXT", "NUMBER", "PERCENT", "DATE", "TIME", "DATE_TIME", "SCIENTIFIC", ] if number_type in number_types: return {"type": number_type} elif number_type == "CURRENCY": # this workaround is necessary to change the y-axis return {"type": "NUMBER", "pattern": "$0.00"} else: return {"type": "NUMBER", "pattern": number_type}
[docs]def get_sheet_data( spreadsheet_id, sheet_name: str, start_column_index: int, start_row_index: int, end_column_index: int, end_row_index: int, ) -> List[List]: """Gets the data from a given groups of cells in a sheet :param spreadsheet_id: The id of the spreadsheet :type spreadsheet_id: str :param sheet_name: Sheet name to get data from :type sheet_name: str :param start_column_index: The index of the starting column of the data :type start_column_index: int :param start_row_index: The index of the starting row of the data :type start_row_index: int :param end_column_index: The index of the ending column of the data :type end_column_index: int :param end_row_index: The index of the ending row of the data :type end_row_index: int :return: A list of lists capturing the data :rtype: list """ service: Any = creds.sheet_service rng = ( f"{sheet_name}!{num_to_char(start_column_index)}" f"{start_row_index}:" f"{num_to_char(end_column_index)}{end_row_index}" )"Getting data from google sheets") output = ( service.spreadsheets() .values() .get(spreadsheetId=spreadsheet_id, range=rng) .execute() )"Successfully retreived data") if "values" in output.keys(): return cast(List[List], output["values"]) else: return [[]]
[docs]class CreateFrame: """Class to create data in Google sheets. :param df: Data to be created in Google sheets :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param spreadsheet_id: The id associated with the spreadsheet :type spreadsheet_id: str :param sheet_name: The name associated with the sheet :type sheet_name: str :param start_row_index: The starting index of the row :param overwrite_data: Whether to overwrite the existing data :type overwrite_data: bool, optional :param anchor_cell: The cell name (e.g. `A5`) that will correspond to the top left observation in the dataframe :type anchor_cell: str, optional """ def __init__( self, df: pd.DataFrame, spreadsheet_id: str, sheet_name: str, overwrite_data: bool = False, anchor_cell: str = "A1", ) -> None: """Constructor method""" self.df = df self.spreadsheet_id = spreadsheet_id self.sheet_name = sheet_name self.overwrite_data = overwrite_data self.anchor_cell = validate_cell_name(anchor_cell.upper()) self.start_row_index, self.start_column_index = cell_to_num(self.anchor_cell) self.end_row_index, self.end_column_index = self._calc_end_index() self._clean_df() def _calc_end_index(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Calculates the ending row and column index based on the anchor cell and dataframe size :return: Tuple of the ending row and column inde :rtype: tuple """ end_row_index = self.start_row_index + self.df.shape[0] + 1 end_column_index = self.start_column_index + self.df.shape[1] return (end_row_index, end_column_index) def _clean_df(self) -> None: """Cleans the dataframe to convert datatypes into acceptable values for the Google Sheets API :return: Cleaned :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ self.df = self.df.applymap(clean_dtypes) self.df = clean_nan(self.df)
[docs] def render_update_json(self) -> dict: """Renders the json to update the data in Google sheets :return: The json to do the update :rtype: dict """ col_range = ( f"{self.sheet_name}!{num_to_char(self.start_column_index)}" f"{self.start_row_index}:" f"{num_to_char(self.end_column_index)}{self.start_row_index}" ) val_range = ( f"{self.sheet_name}!{num_to_char(self.start_column_index)}" f"{self.start_row_index+1}:" f"{num_to_char(self.end_column_index)}{self.end_row_index}" ) json = { "valueInputOption": "USER_ENTERED", "data": [ {"range": col_range, "values": [self.df.columns.tolist()]}, {"range": val_range, "values": self.df.values.tolist()}, ], } return json
[docs] def execute(self) -> bool: """Executes the API call :return: Whether the function executed :rtype: bool """ service: Any = creds.sheet_service json = self.render_update_json() if self.overwrite_data is False: existing_data = get_sheet_data( self.spreadsheet_id, self.sheet_name, self.start_column_index, self.start_row_index, self.end_column_index, self.end_row_index, ) if existing_data: raise RuntimeError("Create table will overwrite existing data")"Creating data in google sheets")"Request: {pprint.pformat(json)}") ( service.spreadsheets() .values() .batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=self.spreadsheet_id, body=json) .execute() )"Successfully created data") return True
[docs]class GetFrame: """Class to get data from Google sheets. :param spreadsheet_id: The id associated with the spreadsheet :type spreadsheet_id: str :param sheet_name: The name associated with the sheet :type sheet_name: str :param anchor_cell: The cell name (e.g. `A5`) that will correspond to the top left observation in the dataframe :type anchor_cell: str :param bottom_right_cell: The cell name (e.g. `B10`) that will correspond to the bottom right observation in the dataframe :type bottom_right_cell: str """ def __init__( self, spreadsheet_id: str, sheet_id: int, sheet_name: str, anchor_cell: str, bottom_right_cell: str, ) -> None: """Constructor method""" self.spreadsheet_id = spreadsheet_id self.sheet_id = sheet_id self.sheet_name = sheet_name self.anchor_cell = validate_cell_name(anchor_cell.upper()) self.bottom_right_cell = validate_cell_name(bottom_right_cell.upper()) self.start_row_index, self.start_column_index = cell_to_num(self.anchor_cell) self.end_row_index, self.end_column_index = cell_to_num(self.bottom_right_cell) self.df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def execute(self) -> bool: """Executes the API call :return: Whether the function executed :rtype: bool """ output = get_sheet_data( self.spreadsheet_id, self.sheet_name, self.start_column_index, self.start_row_index, self.end_column_index, self.end_row_index, ) output = clean_list_of_list(output) self.df = pd.DataFrame(data=output[1:], columns=output[0]) self.df = self.df.replace("", None) return True
[docs]class Frame: """An object that represents a table of data in Google sheets. Initialize the object through either the :class:`Frame.get or :class:`Frame.create` class method. :param title: The title of the spreadsheet :type title: str, optional :param sheet_name: The name of the sheet :type title: str, optional :param df: The dataframe :type df: :class:`pd.DataFrame`, optional :param spreadsheet_id: The id of the spreadsheet :type spreadsheet_id: str, optional :param sheet_id: The id associated with the sheet :type sheet_id: int, optional :param sheet_name: The name associated with the sheet :type sheet_name: str, optional :param start_column_index: The index of the starting column of the data :type start_column_index: int :param start_row_index: The index of the starting row of the data :type start_row_index: int :param end_column_index: The index of the ending column of the data :type end_column_index: int :param end_row_index: The index of the ending row of the data :type end_row_index: int :param initialized: A boolean whether the class has been initialized :type initialized: bool, optional """ def __init__( self, df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(), spreadsheet_id: str = "", sheet_id: int = 0, sheet_name: str = "", start_column_index: int = 0, start_row_index: int = 0, end_column_index: int = 0, end_row_index: int = 0, initialized: bool = False, ) -> None: """Constructor method""" self.df = df self.spreadsheet_id = spreadsheet_id self.sheet_id = sheet_id self.sheet_name = sheet_name self.start_column_index = start_column_index self.start_row_index = start_row_index self.end_column_index = end_column_index self.end_row_index = end_row_index self.initialized = initialized def __repr__(self) -> str: """Prints class information. :return: String with helpful class infromation :rtype: str """ output = ( f"Frame\n" f" - spreadsheet_id = {self.spreadsheet_id}\n" f" - sheet_id = {self.sheet_id}\n" f" - sheet_name = {self.sheet_name}\n" f" - anchor_cell = {num_to_char(self.start_column_index)}{self.start_row_index}\n" f" - bottom_right_cell = '{num_to_char(self.end_column_index-1)}{self.end_row_index-1}'" ) return output
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls: Type[TFrame], df: pd.DataFrame, spreadsheet_id: str, sheet_id: int, sheet_name: str, overwrite_data: bool = False, anchor_cell: str = "A1", ) -> TFrame: """Creates the table of data in Google sheets :param df: The dataframe :type df: :class:`pd.DataFrame` :param spreadsheet_id: The id of the spreadsheet :type spreadsheet_id: str :param sheet_id: The id associated with the sheet :type sheet_id: int :param sheet_name: The name associated with the sheet :type sheet_name: str :param overwrite_data: Whether to overwrite the existing data :type overwrite_data: bool, optional :param anchor_cell: The cell name (e.g. `A5`) that will correspond to the top left observation in the dataframe :type anchor_cell: str :return: :class:`gslides.Frame` object :rtype: :class:`gslides.Frame` """ frame = CreateFrame( df, spreadsheet_id, sheet_name, overwrite_data=overwrite_data, anchor_cell=anchor_cell, ) initialized = frame.execute() return cls( df, spreadsheet_id, sheet_id, sheet_name, frame.start_column_index, frame.start_row_index, frame.end_column_index, frame.end_row_index, initialized, )
[docs] @classmethod def get( cls: Type[TFrame], spreadsheet_id: str, sheet_id: int, sheet_name: str, anchor_cell: str, bottom_right_cell: str, ) -> TFrame: """Gets the table of data in Google sheets :param spreadsheet_id: The id of the spreadsheet :type spreadsheet_id: str :param sheet_id: The id associated with the sheet :type sheet_id: int :param sheet_name: The name associated with the sheet :type sheet_name: str :param anchor_cell: The cell name (e.g. `A5`) that will correspond to the top left observation in the dataframe :type anchor_cell: str :param bottom_right_cell: The cell name (e.g. `B7`) that will correspond to the bottom right observation in the dataframe :type bottom_right_cell: str :return: :class:`gslides.Frame` object :rtype: :class:`gslides.Frame` """ frame = GetFrame( spreadsheet_id, sheet_id, sheet_name, anchor_cell, bottom_right_cell, ) initialized = frame.execute() return cls( frame.df, spreadsheet_id, sheet_id, sheet_name, frame.start_column_index, frame.start_row_index, frame.end_column_index, frame.end_row_index, initialized, )
[docs] def render_format_frame( self, column_mapping: Dict[str, str], ): """Renders the json to format a column in Google slides :param column_mapping: A mapping of column name to number type :type column_mapping: dict :return: JSON for the api call :rtype: dict """ index_mapping: Dict[int, str] = {} for key, val in column_mapping.items(): if key in list(self.df.columns): col = list(self.df.columns).index(key) index_mapping[col] = val requests = [] for k, v in index_mapping.items(): json: Dict[str, Any] = { "updateCells": { "rows": [], "range": { "sheetId": self.sheet_id, "startRowIndex": self.start_row_index - 1, "startColumnIndex": self.start_column_index + k - 1, "endRowIndex": self.end_row_index, "endColumnIndex": self.start_column_index + k, }, "fields": "userEnteredFormat", } } row_json: Dict[str, Any] = { "values": [{"userEnteredFormat": {"numberFormat": format_type(v)}}] } for i in range(self.df.shape[0] + 1): json["updateCells"]["rows"].append(row_json) requests.append(json) return {"requests": requests}
[docs] def format_frame(self, column_mapping): """Formats a column in Google sheets. See for accepted number types; either a type value or pattern is accepted. :param column_mapping: A mapping of column name to number type :type column_mapping: dict :example: >>> frame = Frame.get(...) >>> frame.format_frame({'column1': '0.0%'}) """ service: Any = creds.sheet_service body = self.render_format_frame(column_mapping)"Formatting frame in google sheets")"Request: {pprint.pformat(body)}") ( service.spreadsheets() .batchUpdate( spreadsheetId=self.spreadsheet_id, body=body, ) .execute() )"Successfully formatted frame")
@property def get_method(self) -> str: """Returns the corresponding get initialization method. :return: Get initialization method :rtype: str """ return ( "Frame.get(\n" f"\tspreadsheet_id='{self.spreadsheet_id}',\n" f"\tsheet_id={self.sheet_id},\n" f"\tsheet_name='{self.sheet_name}',\n" f"\tanchor_cell='{num_to_char(self.start_column_index)}{self.start_row_index}',\n" f"\tbottom_right_cell='{num_to_char(self.end_column_index-1)}{self.end_row_index-1}'\n" f")" ) @property def data(self: TFrame) -> TFrame: """Returns the :class:`Frame` object of the data :raises Must run the create or get method before passing the data :return: The :class:`Frame` object :rtype: :class:`Frame` """ if self.initialized: return self else: raise RuntimeError( "Must run the create or get method before passing the data" )