Source code for gslides.presentation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Creates the slides and charts in Google slides
import logging
import pprint
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

import requests
from IPython.display import Image

from . import creds, package_font
from .chart import Chart
from .config import PRESENTATION_PARAMS
from .table import Table
from .utils import json_chunk_key_extract, optimize_size, validate_params_float

TLayout = TypeVar("TLayout", bound="Layout")
TPresentation = TypeVar("TPresentation", bound="Presentation")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Layout: """A class that manages the layout of objects on a canvas :param float x_length: The width of the canvase :type x_length: float :param float y_length: The height of the canvase :type y_length: float :param layout: The grid layout of objects on the canvase (rows x columns) :type layout: tuple :param float x_border: The % margin for the x border :type x_border: float :param float y_border: The % margin for the y border :type y_border: float :param float spacing: The % spacing between objects :type spacing: float """ def __init__( self, x_length: float, y_length: float, layout: Tuple[int, int], x_border: float = 0.05, y_border: float = 0.01, spacing: float = 0.02, ): """Constructor method""" self.x_length = x_length self.y_length = y_length self.x_objects = layout[0] self.y_objects = layout[1] self.x_border = x_border self.y_border = y_border self.spacing = spacing self.index = 0 self.object_size = self._calc_size() validate_params_float(self.__dict__) def _calc_size(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Calculates the appropriate size of the chart given dimensions. :return: The x and y length of a chart :rtype: tuple """ x_size = ( self.x_length - self.x_length * ((self.y_objects - 1) * self.spacing + self.x_border * 2) ) / self.y_objects y_size = ( self.y_length - self.y_length * ((self.x_objects - 1) * self.spacing + self.y_border * 2) ) / self.x_objects return (x_size, y_size) def __iter__(self: TLayout) -> TLayout: """Iterator function :return: :class:`Layout` :rtype: :class:`Layout` """ return self @property def coord(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Calculates the row and column of the given index. :return: Row index and column index :rtype: tuple """ x_coord = self.index // self.y_objects y_coord = self.index % self.y_objects return (x_coord, y_coord) def __next__(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Next function :return: A tuple for the translate x and translate y value :rtype: tuple """ coord = self.coord translate_x = ( self.x_length * self.x_border + coord[1] * self.object_size[0] + coord[1] * self.x_length * self.spacing ) translate_y = ( self.y_length * self.y_border + coord[0] * self.object_size[1] + coord[0] * self.y_length * self.spacing ) if self.index + 1 >= self.x_objects * self.y_objects: self.index = 0 else: self.index += 1 return (translate_x, translate_y)
[docs]class AddSlide: """The class that adds a slide to the presentation. :param presentation_id: The presentation_id of the created presentation :type presentation_id: str :param objects: List of :class:`Chart` or :class:`Table` objects :type objects: list :param layout: The layout of the chart objects in # of rows by # of columns :type layout: tuple :param insertion_index: The slide index to insert new slide to. The lack of a parameter will insert the slide to the end of the presentation :type insertion_index: int, optional :param top_margin: The top margin of the presentation in EMU :type top_margin: int, optional :param bottom_margin: The bottom margin of the presentation in EMU :type bottom_margin: int, optional :param left_margin: The left margin of the presentation in EMU :type left_margin: int, optional :param right_margin: The right margin of the presentation in EMU :type right_margin: int, optional :param page_size: Tuple of the width and height of the presentation in EMU :type page_size: tuple :param title: The text for the title textbox :type title: str, optional :param notes: The text for the notes textbox :type notes: str, optional """ def __init__( self, presentation_id: str, objects: List[Union[Chart, Table]], layout: Tuple[int, int], insertion_index: Optional[int] = None, top_margin: int = 1017724, bottom_margin: int = 420575, left_margin: int = 0, right_margin: int = 0, page_size: Tuple[int, int] = (9144000, 5143500), title: str = "Title placeholder", notes: str = "Notes placeholder", ) -> None: """Constructor method""" self.presentation_id = presentation_id self.objects = self._validate_objects(objects) self.layout = self._validate_layout(layout) self.insertion_index = insertion_index self.sl_id: str = "" self.ch_ids: dict = {} self.sheet_executed = False self.slide_executed = False self.top_margin = top_margin self.bottom_margin = bottom_margin self.left_margin = left_margin self.right_margin = right_margin self.page_size = page_size self.layout_obj = Layout( page_size[0] - self.left_margin - self.right_margin, page_size[1] - self.top_margin - self.bottom_margin, layout, ) self.title = title self.notes = notes def _validate_layout(self, layout: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Validates that the layout of charts is a valide layout. :param layout: The layout of the chart objects in # of rows by # of columns :type layout: tuple :raises ValueError: :return: The layout :rtype: tuple """ if type(layout) != tuple: raise ValueError( "Provide tuple where the first index is the number of rows and " "the second index is the number of columns" ) elif layout[0] < 1: raise ValueError( "Provide tuple where each value is an integer greater than 0" ) elif layout[1] < 1: raise ValueError( "Provide tuple where each value is an integer greater than 0" ) else: return layout def _validate_objects( self, objects: List[Union[Chart, Table]] ) -> List[Union[Chart, Table]]: """Validates that there is a list of objects :param objects: List of :class:`Chart` or :class:`Table` objects :type objects: list :raises ValueError: :return: The objects :rtype: list """ if type(objects) != list: raise ValueError("Objects only accepts a list") else: return objects
[docs] def render_json_create_slide(self) -> dict: """Renders the json to create the slide in Google slides. :return: The json to do the update :rtype: dict """ json: Dict[str, Any] = { "requests": [ {"createSlide": {}}, ] } if self.insertion_index: json["requests"][0]["createSlide"]["insertionIndex"] = self.insertion_index return json
[docs] def render_json_create_textboxes(self, slide_id: str) -> dict: """Renders the json to create the textboxes in Google slides. :param slide_id: The slide_id of the slide to create textbox in :type slide_id: str :return: The json to do the update :rtype: dict """ start_textbox_x = self.page_size[0] * 0.05 scale_textbox_x = self.page_size[0] * 0.9 / 3000000 json = { "requests": [ { "createShape": { "shapeType": "TEXT_BOX", "elementProperties": { "pageObjectId": slide_id, "size": { "width": {"magnitude": 3000000, "unit": "EMU"}, "height": {"magnitude": 3000000, "unit": "EMU"}, }, "transform": { "scaleX": scale_textbox_x, "scaleY": 0.1909, "translateX": start_textbox_x, "translateY": 445025, "unit": "EMU", }, }, } }, { "createShape": { "shapeType": "TEXT_BOX", "elementProperties": { "pageObjectId": slide_id, "size": { "width": {"magnitude": 3000000, "unit": "EMU"}, "height": {"magnitude": 3000000, "unit": "EMU"}, }, "transform": { "scaleX": scale_textbox_x, "scaleY": 0.0914, "translateX": start_textbox_x, "translateY": self.page_size[1] - self.bottom_margin, "unit": "EMU", }, }, } }, ] } return json
[docs] def render_json_format_textboxes( self, title_box_id: int, notes_box_id: int ) -> dict: """Renders the json to format the textboxes in Google slides. :param title_box_id: The id of the title box :type title_box_id: int :param notes_box_id: The id of the notes box :type notes_box_id: int :return: The json to do the update :rtype: dict """ json = { "requests": [ { "insertText": { "objectId": title_box_id, "insertionIndex": 0, "text": self.title, } }, { "updateTextStyle": { "objectId": title_box_id, "textRange": {"type": "ALL"}, "style": { "bold": True, "fontFamily": package_font.font, "fontSize": {"magnitude": 24, "unit": "PT"}, }, "fields": "bold,fontFamily,fontSize", } }, { "updateShapeProperties": { "objectId": title_box_id, "fields": "contentAlignment", "shapeProperties": {"contentAlignment": "MIDDLE"}, } }, { "insertText": { "objectId": notes_box_id, "insertionIndex": 0, "text": self.notes, } }, { "updateTextStyle": { "objectId": notes_box_id, "textRange": {"type": "ALL"}, "style": { "bold": True, "fontFamily": package_font.font, "fontSize": {"magnitude": 7, "unit": "PT"}, }, "fields": "bold,fontFamily,fontSize", } }, ] } return json
[docs] def render_json_copy_chart( self, chart: Chart, size: Tuple[float, float], translate_x: float, translate_y: float, ) -> dict: """Renders the json to copy the charts in Google slides. :param chart: The chart to copy :type chart: :class:`Chart` :param size: Tuple of width and height in EMU :type size: tuple :param translate_x: The number of EMU to translate the object by :type translate_x: float :param translate_y: The number of EMU to translate the object by :type translate_y: float :return: The json to do the update :rtype: dict """ json = { "createSheetsChart": { "spreadsheetId":, "chartId": chart.chart_id, "linkingMode": "LINKED", "elementProperties": { "pageObjectId": self.sl_id, "size": { "width": {"magnitude": size[0], "unit": "EMU"}, "height": {"magnitude": size[1], "unit": "EMU"}, }, "transform": { "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "translateX": self.left_margin + translate_x, "translateY": self.top_margin + translate_y, "unit": "EMU", }, }, } } return json
def _execute_create_slide(self) -> None: """Executes the create slides API call.""" service: Any = creds.slide_service"Creating slide") output = ( service.presentations() .batchUpdate( presentationId=self.presentation_id, body=self.render_json_create_slide(), ) .execute() )"Slide created successfully") self.sl_id = output["replies"][0]["createSlide"]["objectId"] def _execute_create_format_textboxes(self) -> None: """Executes the create & format textboxes slides API call.""" service: Any = creds.slide_service body = self.render_json_create_textboxes(self.sl_id)"Executing textbox creation")"Request: {pprint.pformat(body)}") output = ( service.presentations() .batchUpdate( presentationId=self.presentation_id, body=self.render_json_create_textboxes(self.sl_id), ) .execute() )"Textboxes created successfully") self.title_bx_id = output["replies"][0]["createShape"]["objectId"] self.notes_bx_id = output["replies"][1]["createShape"]["objectId"] body = self.render_json_format_textboxes(self.title_bx_id, self.notes_bx_id)"Executing textbox creation")"Request: {pprint.pformat(body)}") output = ( service.presentations() .batchUpdate( presentationId=self.presentation_id, body=body, ) .execute() )"Textboxes formatted successfully") def _execute_populate_objects(self) -> None: """Executes the population of objects on the slide""" json: Dict[str, Any] = {"requests": []} service = creds.slide_service for obj in self.objects: translate_x, translate_y = next(self.layout_obj) if isinstance(obj, Chart): json["requests"].append( self.render_json_copy_chart( obj, self.layout_obj.object_size, translate_x, translate_y ) )"Populating charts in google slides")"Request: {pprint.pformat(json)}") output = ( service.presentations() .batchUpdate(presentationId=self.presentation_id, body=json) .execute() ) self.ch_ids[ output["replies"][0]["createSheetsChart"]["objectId"] ] = obj.title"Charts successfully populated") elif isinstance(obj, Table): obj.create( self.presentation_id, self.sl_id, self.layout_obj.object_size, self.left_margin + translate_x, self.top_margin + translate_y, )
[docs] def execute_slide(self) -> None: """Executes the slides API call.""" if self.sheet_executed is False: raise RuntimeError( "Must run the execute sheet method before running the execute slide method" ) self._execute_create_slide() self._execute_create_format_textboxes() self._execute_populate_objects() self.slide_executed = True
[docs] def execute_sheet(self) -> None: """Executes the sheets API call.""" x_len, y_len = optimize_size( self.layout_obj.object_size[1] / self.layout_obj.object_size[0], area=222600 / (self.layout[0] * self.layout[1]), ) for obj in self.objects: if isinstance(obj, Chart): obj.create((int(x_len), int(y_len))) self.sheet_executed = True
[docs] def execute(self) -> Tuple[str, Dict[Any, Any]]: """Executes the sheets & slides API call.""" self.execute_sheet() self.execute_slide() return self.sl_id, self.ch_ids
[docs]class Presentation: """An object that represents a presentation in Google slides. Initialize the object through either the :class:`Presentation.get` or :class:`Presentation.create` class method. :param name: Name of the presentation :type name: str :param pr_id: The id of the presentation :type pr_id: str :param sl_ids: A list of the slide ids :type sl_ids: list :param ch_ids: A dictionary of the charts objects id's and their corresponding title :type ch_ids: dict :param page_size: Tuple of the width and height of the presentation in EMU :type page_size: tuple :param initialized: Whether to object has been initialized :type initialized: bool """ def __init__( self, name: str = "", pr_id: str = "", sl_ids: list = [], ch_ids: dict = {}, page_size: Tuple[int, int] = (9144000, 5143500), initialized: bool = False, ) -> None: """Constructor method""" = name self.pr_id = pr_id self.sl_ids = sl_ids self.ch_ids = ch_ids self.page_size = page_size self.initialized = initialized def __repr__(self) -> str: """Prints class information. :return: String with helpful class infromation :rtype: str """ output = f"Presentation\n" f" - presentation_id = {self.presentation_id}" return output
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls: Type[TPresentation], name: str = "Untitled", ) -> TPresentation: """Class method that creates a new presentation. To note, due to an issue in the API page size is currently not supported. :param name: Name of the presentation :type name: str :return: A presentation object :rtype: :class:`Presentation` """ service: Any = creds.slide_service"Creating presentation") output = service.presentations().create(body={"title": name}).execute() pr_id = output["presentationId"] service.presentations().batchUpdate( presentationId=output["presentationId"], body={"requests": [{"deleteObject": {"objectId": "p"}}]}, ).execute()"Presentation successfully created") return cls(name, pr_id, [], {}, (9144000, 5143500), True)
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls: Type[TPresentation], presentation_id: str) -> TPresentation: """Class method that gets a presentation. :param presentation_id: Id of the presentation :type presentation_id: str :return: A presentation object :rtype: :class:`Presentation` """ service: Any = creds.slide_service"Retrieving presentation") output = service.presentations().get(presentationId=presentation_id).execute()"Presentation successfully retrieved") name = output["title"] page_size = ( output["pageSize"]["width"]["magnitude"], output["pageSize"]["height"]["magnitude"], ) if "slides" in output.keys(): sl_ids = [sl["objectId"] for sl in output["slides"]] else: sl_ids = [] chart_ids = {} charts = json_chunk_key_extract(output, "sheetsChart") for chart in charts: chart_ids[chart["objectId"]] = chart["title"] return cls(name, presentation_id, sl_ids, chart_ids, page_size, True)
[docs] def add_slide( self, objects: List[Union[Chart, Table]], layout: Tuple[int, int], insertion_index: Optional[int] = None, top_margin: int = 1017724, bottom_margin: int = 420575, left_margin: int = 0, right_margin: int = 0, title: str = "Title placeholder", notes: str = "Notes placeholder", ) -> None: """Add a slide to the presentation. :param objects: List of :class:`Chart` or :class:`Table` objects :type objects: list :param layout: The layout of the chart objects in # of rows by # of columns :type layout: tuple :param insertion_index: The slide index to insert new slide to. The lack of a parameter will insert the slide to the end of the presentation :type insertion_index: int, optional :param top_margin: The top margin of the presentation in EMU :type top_margin: int, optional :param bottom_margin: The bottom margin of the presentation in EMU :type bottom_margin: int, optional :param left_margin: The left margin of the presentation in EMU :type left_margin: int, optional :param right_margin: The right margin of the presentation in EMU :type right_margin: int, optional :param title: The text for the title textbox :type title: str, optional :param notes: The text for the notes textbox :type notes: str, optional """ sl = AddSlide( self.presentation_id, objects, layout, insertion_index, top_margin, bottom_margin, left_margin, right_margin, self.page_size, title, notes, ) new_sl_id, new_ch_ids = sl.execute() if insertion_index is None: self.sl_ids.append(new_sl_id) else: self.sl_ids.insert(insertion_index, new_sl_id) self.ch_ids = {**self.ch_ids, **new_ch_ids}
[docs] def rm_slide(self, slide_id: str) -> None: """Removes a slide based on a slide id. :param slide_id: The slide_id of the slide to delete :type slide_id: str """ service: Any = creds.slide_service"Deleting slide") service.presentations().batchUpdate( presentationId=self.presentation_id, body={"requests": [{"deleteObject": {"objectId": slide_id}}]}, ).execute()"Slide successfully deleted") self.sl_ids.remove(slide_id)
[docs] def template(self, mapping: dict, slide_ids: list = []) -> None: """Replaces all text encaspulated with `{{ <TEXT> }}` with input. :param mapping: Dictionary mapping old text to new text :type mapping: dict :param slide_ids: The slides to apply template on. If none, then all slides will be considered. :type slide_ids: list, optional """ requests = [] for key, val in mapping.items(): json = { "replaceAllText": { "replaceText": val, "pageObjectIds": slide_ids, "containsText": {"text": f"{{{{ {key} }}}}", "matchCase": False}, } } requests.append(json) service: Any = creds.slide_service"Templating data") service.presentations().batchUpdate( presentationId=self.presentation_id, body={"requests": requests}, ).execute()"Data successfully templated")
[docs] def update_charts(self) -> None: """Updates all the charts in the slides deck with refreshed underlying data. """ requests = [] for key in self.chart_ids.keys(): json = { "refreshSheetsChart": { "objectId": key, } } requests.append(json) service: Any = creds.slide_service"Update charts") service.presentations().batchUpdate( presentationId=self.presentation_id, body={"requests": requests}, ).execute()"Charts successfully updated")
def _validate_image_size(self, image_size): """Validate that the image size configuration is valid :param image_size: String to configure the image size :type image_size: str :raises ValueError: """ if image_size not in PRESENTATION_PARAMS["data_label_placement"]["params"]: raise ValueError( f"{image_size} is not a valid parameter for image_size. " f"Accepted parameters include" f"{', '.join(PRESENTATION_PARAMS['data_label_placement']['params'])}. See" f"{PRESENTATION_PARAMS['data_label_placement']['url']} for further documentation." )
[docs] def show_slide(self, slide_id: str, image_size: str = "LARGE") -> Image: """Displays a given slide in a Jupyter notebook. :param slide_id: The id of the slide to show :type slide_id: str :param image_size: String to configure the image size :type image_size: str :return: ipython Image object :rtype: Image """ self._validate_image_size(image_size) service: Any = creds.slide_service img_info = ( service.presentations() .pages() .getThumbnail( presentationId=self.presentation_id, pageObjectId=slide_id, thumbnailProperties_thumbnailSize=image_size, ) .execute() ) return Image(requests.get(img_info["contentUrl"]).content)
[docs] def download_slide( self, slide_id: str, path: str, image_size: str = "LARGE" ) -> None: """Downloads a given slide to a file in png format :param slide_id: The id of the slide to show :type slide_id: str :param path: Path to write png file to :type path: str :param image_size: String to configure the image size :type image_size: str """ self._validate_image_size(image_size) service: Any = creds.slide_service img_info = ( service.presentations() .pages() .getThumbnail( presentationId=self.presentation_id, pageObjectId=slide_id, thumbnailProperties_thumbnailSize=image_size, ) .execute() ) with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(requests.get(img_info["contentUrl"]).content) return None
@property def get_method(self) -> str: """Returns the corresponding get initialization method. :return: Get intialization method :rtype: str """ return f"=Presentation.get(presentation_id='{self.presentation_id}')" @property def presentation_id(self) -> str: """Returns the presentation_id of the created presentation. :raises RuntimeError: Must run the create or get method before passing the presentation id :return: The presentation_id of the created presentation :rtype: str """ if self.initialized: return self.pr_id else: raise RuntimeError( "Must run the create or get method before passing the presentation id" ) @property def slide_ids(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the slide_ids of the created presentation. :raises RuntimeError: Must run the create or get method before passing the slides ids :return: The slide ids of the created presentation :rtype: str """ if self.initialized: return self.sl_ids else: raise RuntimeError( "Must run the create or get method before passing the slide ids" ) @property def chart_ids(self) -> dict: """Returns the chart_ids of the created presentation. :raises RuntimeError: Must run the create or get method before passing the slides ids :return: The chart ids of the created presentation :rtype: dict """ if self.initialized: return self.ch_ids else: raise RuntimeError( "Must run the create or get method before passing the slide ids" )