Source code for gslides.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .config import CHART_PARAMS

[docs]def json_val_extract(obj: Dict[str, Any], key: str) -> List[Any]: """Recursively find values based on a given key :param obj: JSON to search :type obj: dict :param key: Key that corresponds to the value to find :type key: str :return: Value to return :rtype: any """ arr: List = [] def extract(obj: Dict[str, Any], arr: List, key: str) -> List: """Recursively search for keys in JSON tree.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): for k, v in obj.items(): if k == key: arr.append(v) else: extract(v, arr, key) elif isinstance(obj, list): for item in obj: extract(item, arr, key) return arr values = extract(obj, arr, key) return values
[docs]def json_chunk_extract( obj: Dict[str, Any], key: str, val: Union[str, int, float] ) -> List: """Recursively fetch chunks from nested JSON based on a given key, value pair. :param obj: JSON to search :type obj: dict :param key: Key that corresponds to the dictionary to chunk :type key: str :param val: Val that corresponds to the dictionary to chunk :type val: str, int, float :return: List of chunks :rtype: list """ arr: List = [] def extract(obj: Dict[str, Any], arr: List, val: Union[str, int, float]) -> List: """Recursively search for keys in JSON tree.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): if (key, val) in obj.items(): arr.append(obj) else: for k, v in obj.items(): extract(v, arr, val) elif isinstance(obj, list): for item in obj: extract(item, arr, val) return arr values = extract(obj, arr, val) return values
[docs]def json_chunk_key_extract(obj: Dict[str, Any], key: str) -> List: """Recursively fetch chunks from nested JSON based on a given key. :param obj: JSON to search :type obj: dict :param key: Key that corresponds to the dictionary to chunk :type key: str :return: List of chunks :rtype: list """ arr: List = [] def extract(obj: Dict[str, Any], arr: List) -> List: """Recursively search for keys in JSON tree.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): if key in obj.keys(): arr.append(obj) else: for k, v in obj.items(): extract(v, arr) elif isinstance(obj, list): for item in obj: extract(item, arr) return arr values = extract(obj, arr) return values
[docs]def json_dict_extract( obj: Dict[str, Any], keys: Tuple, ) -> Dict: """Recursively fetch chunks from nested JSON based on a given key, value pair. :param obj: JSON to search :type obj: dict :param keys: Tuple of multiple keys to search for in dictionary :type keys: tuple :return: Dictionary of values :rtype: dict """ arr: Dict = {} def extract(obj: Dict[str, Any], arr: Dict, keys: Tuple) -> Dict: """Recursively search for keys in JSON tree.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): if set(keys) <= set(obj.keys()): arr[obj[keys[0]]] = obj[keys[1]] else: for k, v in obj.items(): extract(v, arr, keys) elif isinstance(obj, list): for item in obj: extract(item, arr, keys) return arr values = extract(obj, arr, keys) return values
[docs]def num_to_char(x: int) -> str: """Converts a number to a character :param x: Number :type x: int :return: Corresponding character :rtype: str """ if x <= 26: return chr(x + 64).upper() elif x <= 26 * 26: return f"{chr(x//26+64).upper()}{chr(x%26+64).upper()}" else: raise ValueError("Integer too high to be converted")
[docs]def char_to_num(x: str) -> int: """Converts a character to a number :param x: Character :type x: str :return: Corresponding number :rtype: int """ total = 0 for i in range(len(x)): total += (ord(x[::-1][i]) - 64) * (26 ** i) return total
[docs]def cell_to_num(x: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Converts a cell to a row, column index :param x: Name of the cell (e.g. A2) :type x: str :return: Row, column index :rtype: tuple """ regex = re.compile("([A-Z]*)([0-9]*)") output = if output: column = row = int( return (row, char_to_num(column)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid cell format")
[docs]def validate_hex_color_code(x: str) -> str: """Short summary. :param x: Hexadecimal color code :type x: str :raises ValueError: Input a hexadecimal color code :return: Hexadecimal color code :rtype: str """ match ="^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$", x) if match: return x else: raise ValueError("Input a valid hexadecimal color code")
[docs]def hex_to_rgb(x: str) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """Converts a xexadecimal color code to r,g,b :param x: Hexadecimal color code :type x: str :return: R,G,B color code :rtype: Tuple """ x = x[1:] return tuple(int(x[i : i + 2], 16) / 255 for i in (0, 2, 4)) # noqa
[docs]def emu_to_px(x: int) -> int: """Converts EMU to pixels :param x: EMU :type x: int :return: Pixels :rtype: int """ return int(x * 220 / (914400))
[docs]def optimize_size(y_scale: float, area: float = 222600) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Optimizes the size of a chart so that it matches the suggested area (222600 pixels) :param y_scale: Scale of the x axis to y axis :type y_scale: float :param float area: Description of parameter `area`. :type area: float, optional :return: x and y length combination :rtype: tuple """ x_length = (area / (y_scale)) ** 0.5 return (x_length, x_length * y_scale)
[docs]def clean_list_of_list(x: List[List]) -> List[List]: """In a list of list with different length lists, appends None values to equalize the length of each list :param x: List of lists :type x: list :return: List of lists :rtype: list """ max_len = max([len(i) for i in x]) for i in x: i.extend([None] * (max_len - len(i))) return x
[docs]def clean_nan(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: """Replaces NaN's in a pandas dataframe :param df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :type df: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :return: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :rtype: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ return df.replace({np.nan: None})
[docs]def clean_dtypes(x: Any) -> Union[str, float, int, np.int64, np.float64, None]: """Cleans the datatypes of an obersevation to either int, float or string or None :param x: Observation to clean :type x: any :return: Clean observation :rtype: str, float, int, np.int64, np.float64, None """ if type(x) in [pd._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp,]: return str(x) elif type(x) in [Decimal]: return float(str(x)) elif type(x) in [str, int, float, np.int64, np.float64, type(None)]: return x elif type(x) in [pd._libs.missing.NAType, pd._libs.tslibs.nattype.NaTType]: return None else: raise TypeError( f"{type(x)} is not an accepted datatype. Type must conform to " "str, int, float, NoneType, decimal.Decimal, pd.Timestamp," )
[docs]def validate_params_list(params: dict) -> None: """Validates the parameters for the chart based on a list :param params: Dictionary of parameters :type params: dict :raises ValueError: """ for key, val in CHART_PARAMS.items(): if key in params.keys() and params[key]: if params[key] not in val["params"]: raise ValueError( f"{ params[key]} is not a valid parameter for {key}. " f"Accepted parameters include {', '.join(val['params'])}. See " f"{val['url']} for further documentation." )
[docs]def validate_params_int(params: dict) -> None: """Validates the parameters for the chart based on the integer value :param params: Dictionary of parameters :type params: dict :raises ValueError: """ variables = ["line_width", "point_size", "bucket_size"] for var in variables: if var in params.keys() and params[var]: if type(params[var]) != int or params[var] < 0: raise ValueError( f"{params[var]} is not a valid parameter for {var}. " f"Accepted values are any integer greater than 0" )
[docs]def validate_params_float(params: dict) -> None: """Validates the parameters for the chart based on the float value :param params: Dictionary of parameters :type params: dict :raises ValueError: """ variables = ["outlier_percentage", "x_border", "y_border", "spacing"] for var in variables: if var in params.keys() and params[var]: if params[var] >= 1 or params[var] < 0: raise ValueError( f"{params[var]} is not a valid parameter for {var}. " f"Accepted values are any float between 0 and 1" )
[docs]def validate_series_columns(params: dict) -> None: """Validates that the series column is None or a list :param params: Dictionary of parameters :type params: dict :raises ValueError: """ if "series_columns" in params.keys() and params["series_columns"]: if type(params["series_columns"]) != list: raise ValueError( f"{params['series_columns']} is not a valid parameter for series_columns." f"Series columns only accepts a list or None." )
[docs]def validate_cell_name(x: str) -> str: """Validates that a cell name is valid :param x: Cell name :type x: str :type params: dict :raises ValueError: Invalid cell name. :return: Cell name :rtype: str """ pattern = re.compile("([A-Z]{1,2})([0-9]+)") output = if output: if output[0] == x: return x else: raise ValueError("Invalid cell name.") else: raise ValueError("Invalid cell name.")
[docs]def determine_col_proportion(df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """Determines the percent size of a column based on the length of observiations :param type df: Dataframe that will become a table :type df: pd.DataFrame :return: An array of proportions :rtype: np.ndarray """ col_size = df.apply( lambda x: max(x.astype("str").apply(lambda y: len(y))), axis=0 ).values per_col_size = col_size / sum(col_size) return per_col_size
[docs]def black_or_white(rgb: Tuple[float, ...]) -> Tuple[float, ...]: """Determines based on the luminosity of a color wether the text on top of that color should be black or white. See the following: :param rgb: The rgb values of the color :type rgb: tuple :return: Black or white rgb :rtype: tuple """ if rgb[0] * 0.2126 + rgb[1] * 0.7152 + rgb[2] * 0.0722 > 0.5: return (0, 0, 0) else: return (1, 1, 1)